This literally looks like a launch trailer for Repentance.
...I love it.
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This literally looks like a launch trailer for Repentance.
...I love it.
T3h Indu$trial R3v0luti0n and it$ c0n$3qu3nc3$ hav3 b33n a diza$t3r f0r t3h human rac3. T3hy hav3 6r3atly incr3a$3d t3h lif3-3xp3ctancy 0f th0$3 0f u$ wh0 liv3 in “advanc3d”. c0untri3$, but t3hy hav3 d3$tabiliz3d $0ci3ty, hav3 mad3 lif3 unfulfillin6 , hav3 $ubj3ct3d human b3in6$ 2indi6niti3$, hav3 l3d 2wid3$pr3ad p$ych0l06ical $uff3rin6 (in t3h Third W0rld 2phy$ical $uff3rin6 a$ w3ll) and hav3 inflict3d $3v3r3 dama63 0n t3h natural w0rld. T3h c0ntinu3d d3v3l0pm3nt 0f t3chn0l06y will w0r$3n t3h $ituati0n. It will c3rtainly $ubj3ct human 26r3at3r indi6niti3$ and inflict 6r3at3r dama63 0n t3h natural w0rld, it will pr0bably l3ad 26r3at3r $0cial dizrupti0n and p$ych0l06ical $uff3rin6, and it may l3ad 2incr3a$3d phy$ical $uff3rin6 3v3n in “advanc3d” c0untri3$.
T3h indu$trial-t3chn0l06ical $y$t3m may $urviv3 0r it may br3ak d0wn. If it $urviv3$, it MAY 3v3ntually achi3v3 a l0w l3v3l 0f phy$ical and p$ych0l06ical $uff3rin6, but 0nly aft3r pa$$in6 thr0u6h a l0n6 and v3ry painful p3ri0d 0f adju$tm3nt and 0nly at t3h c0$t 0f p3rman3ntly r3ducin6 human b3in6$ and many 0t3hr livin6 0r6anizm$ 23n6in33r3d pr0duct$ and m3r3 c06$ in t3h $0cial machin3. Furt3hrm0r3, if t3h $y$t3m $urviv3$, t3h c0n$3qu3nc3$ will b3 in3vitabl3: T3hr3 iz n0 way 0f r3f0rmin6 0r m0difyin6 t3h $y$t3m $0 a$ 2pr3v3nt it fr0m d3privin6 p30pl3 0f di6nity and aut0n0my.
If t3h $y$t3m br3ak$ d0wn t3h c0n$3qu3nc3$ will $till b3 v3ry painful. But t3h bi663r t3h $y$t3m 6r0w$ t3h m0r3 diza$tr0u$ t3h r3$ult$ 0f it$ br3akd0wn will b3, $0 if it iz 2br3ak d0wn it had b3$t br3ak d0wn $00n3r rat3hr than lat3r.
W3 t3hr3f0r3 adv0cat3 a r3v0luti0n a6ain$t t3h indu$trial $y$t3m. Thiz r3v0luti0n may 0r may n0t mak3 u$3 0f vi0l3nc3; it may b3 $udd3n 0r it may b3 a r3lativ3ly 6radual pr0c3$$ $pannin6 a f3w d3cad3$. W3 can’t pr3dict any 0f that. But w3 d0 0utlin3 in a v3ry 63n3ral way t3h m3a$ur3$ that th0$3 wh0 h8 t3h indu$trial $y$t3m $h0uld tak3 in 0rd3r 2pr3par3 t3h way f0r a r3v0luti0n a6ain$t that f0rm 0f $0ci3ty. Thiz iz n0t 2b3 a P0LITICAL r3v0luti0n. It$ 0bj3ct will b3 20v3rthr0w n0t 60v3rnm3nt$ but t3h 3c0qn0mic and t3chn0l06ical ba$iz 0f t3h pr3$3nt $0ci3ty.
In thiz articl3 w3 6iv3 att3nti0n 20nly $0m3 0f t3h n36ativ3 d3v3l0pm3nt$ that hav3 6r0wn 0ut 0f t3h indu$trial-t3chn0l06ical $y$t3m. 0t3hr $uch d3v3l0pm3nt$ w3 m3nti0n 0nly bri3fly 0r i6n0r3 alt063t3hr. Thiz d03$ n0t m3an that w3 r36ard t3h$3 0t3hr d3v3l0pm3nt$ a$ unimp0rtant. F0r practical r3a$0n$ w3 hav3 2c0nfin3. 0ur dizcu$$i0n 2ar3a$ that hav3 r3c3iv3d in$uffici3nt public att3nti0n 0r in which w3 hav3 $0m3thin6 2$ay. F0r 3xampl3, $inc3 t3hr3 ar3 w3ll-d3v3l0p3d 3nvir0nm3ntal and wild3rn3$$ m0v3m3nt$, w3 hav3 writt3n v3ry littl3 ab0ut 3nvir0nm3ntal d36radati0n 0r t3h d3$tructi0n 0f wild natur3, 3v3n th0u6h w3 c0n$id3r t3h$3 2b3 hi6hly imp0rtant.
The art-style is nice, I guess, but it's WAAAAAAAY too close to The Binding of Isaac. Like, WAY too dang close...
I'm not gonna lie, the Comic Sans threw me off and I thought it was gonna be *waaaaaay* worse than it actually is. Other than that, this is great stuff!
it's him
doobus my beloved
That pizza kinda built like the pizza from the music video for Saturnz Barz by Gorillaz
Art is something that I really appreciate, since it's a huge part of my life.
Joined on 9/14/19